Course Overview

Course objectives
Adobe Audition enables users to elevate audio for amazing sound. Audition is an all-in-one audio editing application and is one of the best audio mixing software programs. It is used by a variety of creators ranging from musicians and podcasters to video producers. It works seamlessly with other Adobe applications like Premiere Pro and After Effects, which allows you to work on the same files within different applications and be able to record, edit, and mix audio just like the pros!
Module 1: Getting Started
- 1.1 Instructor Introduction
- 1.2 Course Introduction
Module 3: The Interface
- 3.1 Setting Up and Adjusting Your Workspace
- 3.3 Navigating the Media Browser
- 3.4 Create a Short Cut to Media and Basic Dive into the Editor Panel
Module 5: Effects
- 5.1 Working With Effects
- 5.2 Gain Staging
- 5.3 Applying the Effect
- 5.4 Amplitude and Compression
- 5.5 Delay and Echo Effects
- 5.6 Filter and EQ Effects
- 5.7 Modulation Effects
- 5.8 Reverb Effects
- 5.9 Special Effects
- 5.10 Stereo Imagery Effects
- 5.11 Time and Pitch Effects
- .12 Audio Plugin Manager and Effects Menu vs Effects Rack
- 5.13 Invert, Reverse, Silence and Generate Effects
- 5.14 Match Loudness and Additional Effects
- 5.15 Create Effect Presets and Favorites
Module 7: Mastering
- 7.1 Parametric Equalizer and Equalization
- 7.2 Multi Band Compressor and Dynamic Processing
- 7.3 Reverb and Ambience
- 7.4 Stereo Imaging
- 7.5 Diagnostic Tools and Metering
Module 9: Creating and Recording Files
- 9.1 Create a Project and Record Into the Waveform Editor
- 9.2 Recording Into the MultiTrack Editor
- 9.3 Check Remaining Free Space for Recording on Hard Drive
- 9.4 Dragging Files Into Audition Directly From a Computer
- 9.5 Import Tracks from a CD
Module 11: Multitrack Session Editing
- 11.1 Create a Session, Add Clips and Adjust Timing
- 11.2 Mix Down Session Into a New Audio Track
- 11.3 Adjusting the Timing of a Clip to Match a Specific Range of Time
- 11.4 Clip Editing Techniques and Effects
Module 2: Getting to Know Adobe Audition
- 2.1 Setting Up Your Workspace and Using Shortcuts
Module 4: Waveform Editing
- 4.1 Opening Audio and Video Files
- 4.2 Making a Basic Adjustment in the HUD
- 4.3 Skipping and Deleting Unwanted Portions of Audio
- 4.4 Quickly Insert Silence into an Audio Track
- 4.5 Using the Zero Crossing Tool to Remove Pops in Audio
- 4.6 Cut, Copy and Paste Phrases and Use Multiple Clipboards
- 4.7 Merge Sections of Audio with Mix Paste
- 4.8 Create a Loop
- 4.9 Add an Audio Fade
Module 6: Audio Restoration
- 6.1 Hiss Reduction
- 6.2 Crackle, Pop and Click Reduction
- 6.3 Broadband Noise Reduction
- 6.4 Hum Reduction
- 6.5 Removing Artifacts Manually
- 6.6 Automated Sound Removal
Module 8: Sound Design
- 8.1 Generate Noise and Tones
- 8.2 Generate Speech Based on Text
- 8.3 Use a Sound File to Create Various Sound Effects Pt 1
- 8.4 Use a Sound File to Create Various Sound Effects Pt 2
- 8.5 Extracting Frequency Bands with the Frequency Band Splitter
Module 10: Multitrack Sessions
- 10.1 Create a Multitrack session and Template
- 10.2 Multitrack and Waveform Editor Integration
- 10.3 Change Track Colors and Tracks Panel
- 10.4 Track Controls and Creating Busses
- 10.5 Channel Mapping in the Multitrack Editor
- 10.6 Multitrack Editor Effects Rack
Module 12: Additional Features and Summary
- 12.1 Advanced Features to Consider and Conclusion
Modes of Learning
- Flashcards: Remember the “read and guess” games we used to play back then? Here’s to enhance what you learned. How does it work? A statement will be written on a flashcard, and you’ll need to guess the answer. Then flip it over to see if you answered it correctly. The cards continue, each with a random statement from the course that you took previously.
- Scatter: “Make Everything Disappear.” Turn the screen white and vanish it all but this time testing your knowledge and your time being monitored. Find the best match and click your way toward success. This brain teaser might give you a hard time! But education combined with games adds an element of fun to it.
- Learn: Here’s another. Read and choose the right answer. A game designed on a Multiple-Choice pattern. This kind of exercise boosts your confidence. When one option seems to be correct, you choose the other only for it to be the right option. The right option will welcome another statement, but don’t sweat! You are still learning.
- Speller: This fun-packed game is unique in its own way. Hear the term carefully and type it out on your screen. You think you are a pro at learning spellings of tricky terms. Test yourself out with this game. Could you hear it properly? If you could, were you able to write it?
We have found our students doing absolutely great by showcasing their certificates. Grab that certificate of yours before someone else does and get that recognition you deserve.
You best learn when you see it. Our easy-to-understand video content is in place for you. Watch the studying content and grasp all the concepts easily. With so many lectures and 3000+ hours of video content, find what suits your needs. These educational videos are designed to sharpen your experience with your training content. Our easy-to-understand video content is in place for you. Watch the studying content and grasp all the concepts easily.
In contrast to other e-learning services, our labs will let you exercise what you analyze in a real environment with a lot to choose from. This layout mirrors the traditional study room format which ensures you will recognize exactly the way to set up, manage and troubleshoot any environment.
Being a successful IT professional involves more than knowing key terms and concepts. You need to be able to “apply” your knowledge to real-world situations. At EZDA we quote, “Learn it to pertain to it.” So, why spend money buying the equipment when we got you all covered?