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Microsoft 70-486: Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications

Course Overview

This course is for Microsoft developers that are ready to start building enterprise web applications and would like to take the Microsoft 70-486: Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications certification exam. Taking this course will provide you with training in web development, C Sharp, HTML and CSS, SQL Server, JavaScript, Object Based JavaScript, Model View, and Controller, and jQuery.

70 486 300x200 1

Course objectives

ASP.NET MVC web application gives you a strong, patterns-based approach to develop dynamic websites that empowers a perfect separation of concerns and that gives you full authority over markup for pleasant and agile creation. ASP.NET MVC incorporates numerous features that enable quick, TDD-friendly development for creating sophisticated applications that utilize the most recent web models and standards.

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Module 1: Introduction to Web Development

  • Course And Instructor Introduction
  • ASP.Net Using Visual Studio
  • ASP.Net Tools In Visual Studio
  • ASP.Net Data Validation-Part1
  • ASP.Net Data Validation-Part2
  • ASP.Net Web User Control
  • ASP.Net Creating Web Service
  • ASP.Net Web Service Explained
  • Classes Defined

Module 2: C ­ Sharp

  • Intro To C Sharp
  • Functions In C Sharp
  • If Statements In C Sharp
  • Static Variables In C Sharp
  • Loops In C Sharp
  • Debugging In C Sharp
  • Introduction To Windows Forms In C Sharp
  • More Windows Forms In C Sharp
  • Windows Forms Controls In C Sharp
  • Object Oriented Programming In C Sharp
  • Constructors And Destructors In C Sharp
  • Members Of A Class In C Sharp
  • Class Inheritance In C Sharp
  • Abstract Classes In C Sharp
  • Enumerations In C Sharp
  • Exception Handling In C Sharp
  • Creating XML Documents In C Sharp
  • Putting It All Together In A File In C Sharp

Module 3: HTML and CSS Comprehensive Review

  • Intro To HTML
  • HTML Markup
  • Lists In HTML
  • Links In HTML
  • Tables In HTML
  • Forms In HTML
  • Intro To CSS
  • CSS Color Properties

Module 4: Intro to SQL Server

  • Databases Defined
  • Tables Defined
  • Basic Query Optimization
  • Defining And Using Store Procedures
  • Creating Stored Procedure
  • Executing Store Procedure From C Sharp
  • Executing Store Procedure From ASP.Net
  • Changing ASP.Net Interface To Retrieve Data-Part1
  • Changing ASP.Net Interface To Retrieve Data-Part2

Module 5:  Java Script A Comprehensive Introduction

  • Intro To JavaScript
  • Using JavaScript For Data Validation
  • Using JavaScript To Manipulate Documents
  • Variables In JavaScript
  • If Statements In JavaScript
  • Logical Operators In JavaScript
  • If Else Statements In JavaScript
  • Switch Statements In JavaScript
  • For Loops In JavaScript
  • For And While Loops In JavaScript

Module 6: Object Based Java Script

  • Working With String Object
  • More On String Object
  • The Math Object
  • Creating Your Own Objects
  • String Manipulation In JavaScript
  • Programming The Browser In JavaScript
  • Browser Versions In JavaScript
  • Working With Forms In JavaScript

Module 7: Model View and Controller

  • MVC Mindset
  • MVC Defined
  • Create An MVC Project
  • MVC Project Initial Walkthrough
  • MVC Building Routes
  • MVC Approach
  • Controllers
  • Controllers From Scratch
  • MVC Routing
  • MVC Routing Constraints
  • Routing Constraint Attributes
  • MVC Attribute Routing

Module 8: A Comprehensive Introduction to jQuery

  • What Is jQuery
  • jQuery Effects
  • Get And Set Elements In jQuery
  • Add And Remove Elements In jQuery
  • CSS In jQuery
  • Ancestors And Descendants

Module 9: Course Review

  • MVC Best Practices
  • Testing The Application
  • Writing For Production
  • Review Web Development
  • Review C Sharp
  • Review HTML And CSS
  • Review SQL Server
  • Review JavaScript
  • Review Software Development Lifecycle
  • Review Design Patterns
  • Review jQuery
  • Conclusion

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