Course Overview

Course objectives
Blockchain technologies are now more than just a trial run. They are starting to go from a Proof of Concept to a Production use case. As a developer or software engineer knowing how to develop blockchain applications is an in-demand career. Welcome to the Certified Blockchain Developer – Hyperledger Course. This course is ideal for technology-focused engineers, application developers, software engineers, or anyone wanting to obtain the Blockchain Training Alliance Certified Blockchain Developer – Hyperledger Certification.
Module 1: Certified Blockchain Developer Hyperledger Overview
- 1.1 Course Introduction
- 1.2 Module 1 Introduction
- 1.3 Audience for the Certification
- 1.4 What is a CBDH
- 1.5 Exam Objectives
- 1.6 Exam Overview
Module 2: Hyperledger Framework
- 2.1 Module 2 Introduction
- 2.2 Hyperledger Project Overview
- 2.3 Hyperledger Frameworks
- 2.4 Hyperledger Fabric
- 2.5 Hyperledger Fabric Use Cases
Module 3: Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain
- 3.1 Module 3 Introduction
- 3.2 Hyperledger Fabric Design Overview
- 3.3 Hyperledger Fabric WhiteboardÂ
- 3.4 Hyperledger Fabric Consensus
- 3.5 Hyperledger Fabric Transactions
- 3.6 Transactions Whiteboard
- 3.7 Hyperledger Fabric Ledger
- 3.8 Ledger Whiteboard
- 3.9 Hyperledger Fabric Versions
- 3.10 Hyperledger Fabric Membership Services
- 3.11 Node Types and Roles
- 3.12 Nodes and Peers Whiteboard
- 3.13 Channels
- 3.14 Channels Whiteboard
Module 4: Access Controls and Secure Chaincode
- 4.1 Module 4 Introduction
- 4.2 Access Controls Lists (.acl)
- 4.3 Certificates and Certificate Authority
- 4.4 Organizations and Participants
- 4.5 Endorsement Policies
- 4.6 Rest APIs
Module 5: Plan and Prepare Apps for Deployment
- 5.1 Module 5 Introduction
- 5.2 Development Whiteboard
- 5.3 Installation Considerations
- 5.4 Composer
- 5.5 Composer Demo
Module 6: Hyperledger Fabric Explorer
- 6.1 Module 6 Introduction
- 6.2 Hyperledger Fabric Explorer Basics
- 6.3 Installation Requirements of Hyperledger Explorer
Module 7: Chaincode and Development
- 7.1 Module 7 Introduction
- 7.2 What is Chaincode
- 7.3 Writing Chaincode Considerations
- 7.4 Development Language
- 7.5 Client App Considerations
- 7.6 BNA Files
- 7.7 Service Discovery
Module 8: Course Wrap Up
- 8.1 Module 8 Introduction
- 8.2 Course Review
- 8.3 Top 10 Things to know for the exam
- 8.4 Taking the Exam
- 8.5 Course Closeout
Modes of Learning
- Flashcards: Remember the “read and guess” games we used to play back then? Here’s to enhance what you learned. How does it work? A statement will be written on a flashcard, and you’ll need to guess the answer. Then flip it over to see if you answered it correctly. The cards continue, each with a random statement from the course that you took previously.
- Scatter: “Make Everything Disappear.” Turn the screen white and vanish it all but this time testing your knowledge and your time being monitored. Find the best match and click your way toward success. This brain teaser might give you a hard time! But education combined with games adds an element of fun to it.
- Learn: Here’s another. Read and choose the right answer. A game designed on a Multiple-Choice pattern. This kind of exercise boosts your confidence. When one option seems to be correct, you choose the other only for it to be the right option. The right option will welcome another statement, but don’t sweat! You are still learning.
- Speller: This fun-packed game is unique in its own way. Hear the term carefully and type it out on your screen. You think you are a pro at learning spellings of tricky terms. Test yourself out with this game. Could you hear it properly? If you could, were you able to write it?
We have found our students doing absolutely great by showcasing their certificates. Grab that certificate of yours before someone else does and get that recognition you deserve.
You best learn when you see it. Our easy-to-understand video content is in place for you. Watch the studying content and grasp all the concepts easily. With so many lectures and 3000+ hours of video content, find what suits your needs. These educational videos are designed to sharpen your experience with your training content. Our easy-to-understand video content is in place for you. Watch the studying content and grasp all the concepts easily.
In contrast to other e-learning services, our labs will let you exercise what you analyze in a real environment with a lot to choose from. This layout mirrors the traditional study room format which ensures you will recognize exactly the way to set up, manage and troubleshoot any environment.
Being a successful IT professional involves more than knowing key terms and concepts. You need to be able to “apply” your knowledge to real-world situations. At EZDA we quote, “Learn it to pertain to it.” So, why spend money buying the equipment when we got you all covered?